Thursday, February 11, 2010

Writer's Book Shelf-Writing Children's Books

Book Review:Lesley Bolton and Lea Wait's Writing Children's Books

By: Christina Adams

This little book covers every topic in children's literature from its history to what can be expected in the future. It discusses nonfiction, fiction, how to know if you are a writer, whether you should illustrate your own book, how to deal with writer's block and what to expect when you get a contract in the mail. This is not a book on the writing process of writing for children, but an overview of the children's book industry, what it is like and what to expect.

Writing Children's Books is one of The Only Writing Series You'll Ever Need series and is more of an everything you need to know about than an all encompassing book on how to write for children. There is only one chapter devoted to writing and revision, but the book covers the whole process from concept to marketing.

The sections I found helpful were the chapter where the rights a publisher could offer you were explained and the chapter where the different age groups were defined by topic and word count. If you have a book for children, but you are not sure what age to target this is a good book to check out. This book is great for writers who are starting out and for any writer who wants a better handle on the world of publishing for children.


Ashley Howland said...

Great review, as a new author I always appreciate learning more about my craft and it's great to find useful sources.

Patricia said...

Hi Ashley, welcome and congratulations on your new book. We love to hear about your experiences as a writer ... and something about your book.